Tsar Bomba

This was the snowball that started the avalanche.

This. This one little damning screenshot was what started all of this mess. This little screenshot, while sure, is terrible and unethical, but it didn’t hold a candle to the events that Eso embarked on over the next year.
It all started with a boot. A transwoman (at least that is what he told Eso) named Boot. He thought it would be fun to have some fun messing with degenerate idiots online and started getting steamy chat with Eso. Lots of nudes were sent. Lots of owos being typed. Lots of noticing bulges and wondering ‘What’s this?’
It was a good time. Eso had a tasty trap all to himself. Boot also thought it would be funny to invite his communist friends to also come party with Eso on his server. Eso wasn’t too happy about this. While he liked looking at commie boipucci he didn’t necessarily enjoy a hoard of them coming onto their server. Eso was a little upset and did what the usual scumbag does; threaten revenge porn.
Of course, this went over like a fart in an elevator and everyone was very upset. He deleted the comment and threatened anyone who brought it up again.

Later he would go on to say that he was making a joke paraphrasing something that Voltare1778 said which Voltare never said, denies he said anything to that effect, and Eso couldn’t even tell us what he thought Volt said that he was paraphrasing. Anyone who pressed about it was banned.
That later changed to the screenshots were faked. He said he can tell this through a process called “color correction” which all he did was just destroy part of an image to make it look like it was photoshopped.

Even when people asked how to do this method to check for themselves, Eso never got back to us. He is now the sole possessor of knowledge to tell faked screenshots. …or he’s just lying. Going with Occam’s Razor here. Also going with what he told Boot later too.

Again, more people were banned for pressing him on this. Bans caused people to wonder more about what happened that lead to more bans. This lead to Eso becoming very paranoid. His buddy, who co-runs the channel, Filthy Heretic even thought it was crazy.

Eso then calmed down. Gathered his thoughts. Took a long, rational look at what was happening. Then deleted the server. Oof.

Things were not going well for Eso until a man named Operation Blueism a.k.a. Blue stepped into his life and promised to get revenge on those pinkos. Because he has proof they’re all doxers and pedophiles and he’s got the evidence. If he helps Blue get this data drop the attention it needs, they could all share the credit and walk away with a cool 20 thousand subscribers, and those pesky commies who have been calling him out wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. This was his dream. To get closer to Mr. Dapperton’s level of popularity. Finally, it was all his and all he had to do was some PR for the big day where they drop all of this proof that everyone Eso hates is a pedophile: July 7, 2018

But how could they get the attention it needed? Well, they had 2 people with a lot of subs to help. Shane Killian who just said “Look, this sounds like drama. Keep me out.” and Mr. Dapperton.

Little did they know Dapperton knew of this Operation Blueism for he was the man who he thought tried to dox him and took credit for Dapperton’s car being keyed. It was only after did we learn from a man who helped Blue that not only did he try, Blue was the person who doxed him to the people who released his dox and really did have his car keyed. Blue also DMCA’d his channel. You see; Blue is the kind of guy who would make fake legal threats from a fake lawyer like he did when he did this one and Dapperton has called him out on it.

Suffice to say Dapperton said no. He not only said no but he knew Blue was so toxic that he didn’t want him 2 degrees of separation and said that he is dangerous, he doesn’t want him around, and if they’re going to hang around this Blue guy that he couldn’t hang around them. He also warned he would end up doing the same to them later on. But this would never happen to Eso, right? Because he’s a good boy who didn’t do nothing!

Of course, they did what any rational person would do and ….start a war with Dapperton?! Wait.. what?! Is this right?

Funny thing is Filthy knew Dapperton was right but went to war with Dapperton anyway because his feefees were hurt by Dapperton telling him “No” and thought it was Dapperton trying to control him.

Long story short it kept escalating and getting out of hand and each video response back and forth got more and more personal as the big day drew near. This divided the cartoon YouTube ancaps into factions. Those who were with Eso and friends, those with Dapperton and friends, and those who remained neutral.

One charge stuck out. If you’ve read up on the His-Story of Eso article you’d know one of Eso’s favorite things to do is accuse people of being a pedo. When Dapperton was both condemning both hebephiles and pedophiles he explained the difference to highlight what they are doing could get them in legal trouble by accusing people of being pedos. Well, condemning pedos is pretty much supporting them and they started accusing Dapperton of being a pedo supporter.

This big day arrived! Here we are! The day Eso and Blue, and all of their stupid friends too are going to expose all of these doxers and pedos lurking in breadtube… and they delay it for another 3 days.

Oh, and it wasn’t delayed. If you said it was delayed you were lying because they never said everything was going to drop on the 7th as they said in this video announcing it.

They did give us 2 screenshots to prove they are pedos. (see 55:13 and read what they say versus what they read aloud. It’s always different.)
1. A screenshot of ThoughtSlime telling people in his server that murder fantasies are not allowed.
2. Someone telling ThoughtSlime that he is conflicted in his thoughts about if doxing bad people is bad.

However, something happened while we waited; Esoteric Entity was admitting to people in private and on his own public YouTube channel that they solicited and possessed child porn and that they were going to blank out the nasty bits and release it so we all can see Breadtuber were pedos after all. Which is still considered a crime in the US. Possession of child pornography with intent to distribute and solicitation of child pornography.

Fast-forward to 2:45 for the screenshot of them admitting to soliciting child pornography.

Because Dapperton, Michelle Catlin, and Jim Jesus called this out, they scrambled to delete anything related and lied and distorted as much as they could by pretending “solicit” means “edit” and “censoring the parts that make it illegal” means “delete the entire video.” I’m not even making this up. They also accused Michelle of being a pedophile, but we’ll get into that in a post which will be linked here when it’s done.

The data drop happens and it’s the biggest nothing-burger ever. We get screenshots of FinBol and his 16-year-old girlfriend having a rape role play with some commie memes sprinkled in here and there in a Discord server that was already public knowledge months before Eso ever met Blue. They claimed Kennedy was 12 when she was 16 which was bad enough. However, they didn’t catch this themselves, this had been circulating for a while and it caused FinBol to be ostracized out of a lot the Marxist communities online. The rest were shitposts, memes, copypastas, and people having discussions about the age of consent laws in the US vis-à-vis Europe.
You can go through all of the images here or if you’re not very keen on lefty meme culture you can get more into detail with this video where a couple of lefties go through all of the screenshots in the data drop.

Because it was a nothing-burger and a laughingstock of the political internet communities who were aware of it, Blue decided to shut up his biggest critic of all by exposing Dapperton as a Deadbeat Dad by digging up his legal records and passing out not just Dapperton’s home address, but his baby momma, parents, brother, and uncle. To make matters worse, photos of his son were also included as a veiled threat. This was what was called Tsar Bomba 2, McNuke.

Let’s just say there are mixed reactions by his fans for this. As seen in the comment section (which even some of the comments he didn’t prune weren’t overly supportive) his discord was in some disarray.

It got so bad that Eso had to concede a little. He still refuses to admit he doxed Dapperton’s family he just said it was wrong to do and apologized but then spent time saying it wasn’t doxing and demanding Dapperton apologize to him too. It really makes the whole apology superficial. You can watch it here:

Eso then when on campaigns to slander anyone who dared criticize him for doxing Dapperton by accusing them of being pedos and doxers, per usual. But this was also about the time where Blue’s bullshit was so apparent even a mental midget like Eso couldn’t miss it if he tried and recorded a few conversations with Blue released them to expose Blue. However, he failed to notice that it also implicated him on many of the charges that were leveled at Blue which he continues to deny. However, denying them undermines the charges he levels at Blue. You can listen to all 5 tapes here or listen to a condensed version below. If you’ve made it this far in the article you probably should listen to these because they very damning confessions coming from Eso and Blue because they admit to purposefully slandering people for money, fame, and subscribers.

Everyone who was involved with the Tsar Bomba data drop ended up leaving and exposing Blue as a liar, a doxer, a con-artist who ripped them off of large sums of money and all have said the Tsar Bomba was a massive waste of time and a big nothing-burger including his closest ally from the beginning Journey. Then what happens? Dapperton did warn them not to get involved or he will end up fucking them over and try to dox them too, which is what Blue tried to do after they left. Who’dathunkit?
