Backalley Predictions

The Backalley Philosophy [sic] YouTube channel, which Esoteric Entity is a regular guest, makes lots of predictions that never come true because they’re wildly absurd and not grounded in reality. Here we are going to document every time a prediction is made and check back to see if their crystal ball is working. It’s fair with any person who make predictions that some won’t come to be just because of the complexity of life, but we should see that there should be a pattern of correct predictions before we can assume future ones will come to be.
Oct 9, 2020:
The 2020 Election will be the last presidential election in American history and the United States will collapse before 2024. Though the government will still hold elections, but their ability to influence society will be non-existent and they will be a “hollow state”

th The 2024 election is being discussed and taken seriously by all major news networks, all major and minor political podcasts, and all political internet video outlets from across all of the political spectrum. Even anti-voting libertarians and socialists are discussing it and the impact it will have on the country. Some of the biggest news articles reporting and conversations are currently around the upcoming Joe Biden and Donald Trump debate.

Moreover, the government still remains to active and able to carry out laws, military actions abroad, and economic planning at home. “Vital” and “non-vital” government services are still active in recent government shutdowns have been brief or thwarted with spending bills.

This prediction was a monumental failure on every level. In no way shape or form is this prediction accurate on any level.