Is Michelle Catlin a Pedo?

Short answer: There’s no evidence that she is.

Long answer: Michelle Catlin, a transwoman, former Propertarian Twitter account, and YouTube channel who makes content that fits in with a lot of the new right sentiments. She did a series (or maybe ‘did’ but it hasn’t updated it in quite a long time) called “Manchild Chronicles” talking about internet personalities like David Sherratt, “Mundane Matt” Jarbo, and “Kraut and Tea.” On June 29th, 2018, right in the midst of the buildup for the Tsar Bomba Data Drop, Michelle Catlin uploaded her third episode of the series entitled “The Manchild Chronicles: Esoteric Entity

The video goes into many of the things covered at the beginning of the Tsar Bomba and His-Story sections presented here but in lesser detail. This was the case for Eso to make a response video on Filthy Heretic’s channel. Most of which was just him defending his taste for vorarephilia content. The video is currently in unlisted status:

Michelle did a response but remember this was in the days shortly after the Tsar Bomba Data Drop. July 13th to be exact, 3 days after the full Data Drop was released. In it, she details not just some of the developments but all of the information surrounding the allegations of solicitation and intent to distribute edited child pornography as evidence in the Tsar Bomba which did not end up in the final release after the backlash.

Eso did not make a response to this video directly but he did respond to parts of the accusations in a video addressed to Dapperton “apologizing” for doxing his family and in various Gab posts which have been lost due to Gab changing code on the backend. However, screenshots do make appearances in Catlin’s final video later on.

Eso’s response
Michelle’s response

Here’s where things get interesting. Eso made a response to this video which he claims many of the screenshots, including one of Eso as ‘Midnight Fantom’ asking his followers if he looks like a real-life version of Shadow the Hedgehog which he said isn’t real until the link to the DA post was revealed later which he later tried to say that his banned account was hacked to post that which isn’t possible. Eso also claims that Agora, the person who revealed the conversation showing Eso was planning to edit CP to make it publicly distributable agreed with Eso that he misinterpreted what Eso said. Agora said no such thing, he just told him he was done with the drama.

Michelle didn’t do a formal response though she did do a livestream where she covered some of the info with YouTubers Rei Murasame, Pomen, and Jim Jesus but that doesn’t really factor into what happens next.

Weeks later, Eso drops this “bombshell” showing proof that Michelle Catlin solicited CP. What’s important is how Eso has been defining pedophilia for the entirety of this discussion. He has defined it always as anyone who is attracted to minors under the age of 18. However, there was an exception made shortly before all of this for one Cody Wilson of defense distributed who was tricked by a 16-year-old escort with a fake ID who said she was 18. Eso made this post on Gab.

The video was screencaps of Michelle getting steamy in a DM with a person who offers Michelle nudes. There’s no mention of age anywhere in the conversation and Michelle doesn’t ask for the nudes, just take them after she is offered. This footage is used in several more videos “exposing her.” We’re just told that this person was 16 but none of the screenshots substantiate Michelle was aware of this. Even still this doesn’t fall into “solicitation” because she was not the one who asked or encouraged the distribution for the photos, just accepted once offered with no impression that they would be of an underaged person.

In Denmark (where Michelle is a citizen of) the age of consent is 16, so the relationship would be fine according to Eso hadn’t the person been a harsh critic of Eso as he’s stated with Cody Wilson and he would say that it’s “NOTHING more than a smear job designed to assassinate his character.” Though the possession of images could be illegal, Michelle was not aware of the illegality of the images and presumed it was someone of age. When this is pointed out he reaches out to none other than David “Shitrat” Sherratt who has a very, very long history of faking screenshots and various gayops of people he deems too far-right or if they’ve been critical of David to paint them very unsavory. This is why his Twitter account is called “DiscordSpies” to show faked Discord screenshots to character assassinate people. David then manufactures images of Michelle hitting on 12-year-olds which wasn’t corroborated by anyone about the same time as his attempt to manufacture screenshots against Andy Warski. Now Eso currently denies that the didn’t get those screenshots did not come from Shitrat but never says who they came from or offers the original source of those screenshots. As of now the links still only point to Sherratt’s twitter which as of this posting is currently locked from public viewing.

So, is Michelle a pedophile? Anything is possible but there is no credible evidence that she is a pedophile. The only credible evidence that Michelle was ever attached to anyone underage is spurious at best with respect to the knowledge of the person’s age. Michelle has offered this public statement which you can read here.

I want to clear up some drama regarding allegations levelled against me. I originally tried to solve this privately but looks like i have no choice but to make this to clear this shit up.

You may have known that Ive been accused of soliciting cp in the past. These were always without any evidence so i didnt really pay attention to it but now things have escalated.

A person called red goner leaked a personal DM conversation with me and her where she offered me lewd pics. Originally this was censored so i didnt know where it came from and thought it wasn’t from me but i started to remember who the conversation was from.

She says that she was 17 at the time that she posted them however she never told me that she was 17 at the time which is something she admits to. Because she was the one offering these pictures i assumed that she was over 18 and showed people them before.

Simply put 1. She came to me asking if i wanted to see her nudes so i did not just pressure and solicit shit from her and 2. I was not aware that she was underaged.

And both of these are now being twisted as me being a pedo who knew she was underaged and who came to her asking for nudes.

I feel saddened that a very personal conversation is being leaked and circulated like this. Especially since this is something that i have been trying to move on from. I feel ashamed that i did stuff like this regardless because i was careless about it.

In any case the only thing this really proves is that i was a careless person engaging in online sexual stuff. Embarassing yes, but this does not make me a pedo by any means.

If you’re reading this red goner i have no ill will towards you. I just want to end this stupid drama and move on. And i hope people reading this will understand my side of the stort and see just how overblown the whole shit is.