
This is a place where you can get some of the latest updates on Esoteric Entity. Also known as Eso, Eso the Free, Esop, Midnight Fantom, and Zach Aubert. He’s a YouTuber who’s a very special boy. But unlike most other exceptional individuals, he’s got a heart full of malice and spite and likes to hurt the other people on the Intertubes who point out that he made a mistake and even his friends who support him along the way. This gets him in a lot of trouble. Here we aim to show what he’s done, what his patterns of behaviors are and help you avoid being the victim of his game. Hopefully, this will also push him in the right direction to grow as a human and do the right thing instead of letting his ego control him in his quest of chasing fame and the expense of others. You can learn more about his early days on the internet here or his year-long campaign of doxing and slandering innocent people because he didn’t want to admit a not very flattering screenshot was real here. You can read our mission statement here.

If you want a YouTube version of much of the information on this site you should check out TDT’s documentary video on Eso here:

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LINK: “Esoteric Entity is a duplicitous twerp.” by LiquidZulu

“I address here the various lies that Esoteric Entity has been attempting to spread about me since his lackluster debate performance against me.“ You can read the full article here: https://liquidzulu.github.io/against-esoteric-entity/ EEE commentary: Eso is back at it again. A while back Eso and a Hoppean YouTube debater debated Eso’s multi-part video about Hans Hermann-Hoppe. … Read moreLINK: “Esoteric Entity is a duplicitous twerp.” by LiquidZulu

Is Michelle Catlin a Pedo?

Short answer: There’s no evidence that he is. Long answer: Michelle Catlin, a former transwoman (detransitioned,) former Propertarian Twitter account, and YouTube channel who makes content that fits in with a lot of the new right sentiments. He did a series called “Manchild Chronicles” talking about internet personalities like David Sherratt, “Mundane Matt” Jarbo, and … Read moreIs Michelle Catlin a Pedo?